Feature Additions 12.x Schema

We established the 12.0 version of the API to complete the brand transition from Litle to Vantiv. As a result, virtually all of the schema changes associated with V12.0 involve the renaming of elements from litle to cnp. For example, litleRequest becomes cnpRequest. Table 1-1 lists the renamed elements. In addition, the xmlns (namespace) changed to www.vantivcnp.com/schema and we removed many PayPal Credit specific elements from the schema.

See Features and Capabilities for 12.1 and Later for more information.

Table 1-1 Renamed Elements

Old Element/Attribute

New Element/Attribute





















Features and Capabilities for 12.1 and Later

The following features and capabilities were added to the 12.x schema family.

  • Added Debit Network Name to PINless Debit transactions (12.1) - For merchants using our Prime PINless Debit Routing feature, this change returns the name of the Debit Network used in the transaction.

  • Added support for Card On File Visa transactions (12.1) - We added three new enumerations to the <processingType> element in support of Card on File transactions. The new enums are: initialCOF, merchantInitiatedCOF, and cardholderInitiatedCOF.

  • Added new transaction type for HVT to LVT conversion (12.2) - We added a new transaction type to convert a High Value Token to a Low Value Token. You can then provide the low value token to a third party service provider, who requires access to the PAN information. The third party can redeem the LVT for the PAN information via an <onlineAccountNumberAccessRequest> transaction.

  • Added new elements to support Lodging (12.2) - We added the <lodgingInfo> element and several child elements to support Lodging transactions.

  • Enhanced Fraud Check transaction with additional elements (12.2) - We added several elements to enhance the standalone Fraud Check transaction, allowing you to check various types of account takeover and new account creation fraud.

  • Added new elements to support Preferred Debit Network (12.3) - For merchants using Prime Debit Routing, we added elements to support the selection of preferred debit networks.

  • (Re)Added support for Healthcare Card transactions (12.3) - We had discontinued support for Healthcare card transactions in a previous release. Now, we re-instituted support. No new elements were added.

  • Added new element to support a correlation value returned by card brands (12.4) - We added the <paymentAccountReferenceNumber> element to the Authorization and Sale response messages.

  • Added new element to define the type of funds disbursement (12.4) - We added the <disbursementType> element to Fast Access Funding transaction.

  • Added new elements to support encrypted account numbers in a Register Token request (12.5) - We added three new elements to handle encrypted account information in the Register Token request transaction.

  • Added new elements to support merchant preferences for Prime PINless Routing (12.7) - We added several elements allowing the merchant to specify PINless network preferences in requests. We also added elements to the response messages to define the Debit network used.

  • Added new elements to support CTX information in some Batch Funding Instructions (12.7) - We added several elements allowing a Payment Facilitator using Dynamic Payout to specify a transaction description.

  • Added new element to support Access Worldpay tokens in Account Updater requests (12.8) - We added the <tokenURL> element to support Access Worldpay tokens.

  • Added new elements to support merchant use of Dynamic Payout (12.9) - We added new transaction types and elements to support merchant use of Dynamic Payout and Fast Access Funding.

  • Added new elements to allow a merchant to skip using Real-Time AU (12.10) - We added an element allowing you to turn off Real-time AU for the selected transaction. Also, added an element to the response message defining if an AU update was Real-Time or non-Real-Time.

  • Added element to allow Dynamic MCC (12.11) - We added the <merchantCategoryCode> element to allow enabled merchants to define the MCC on a per transaction basis. (Included in the schema, but not Generally Available in this release.)

  • Added new element to support 3DS2 (12.11) - We added the <authenticationProtocolVersion> element so that merchants can define the 3DS version used to authenticate the transaction. (Included in the schema, but not Generally Available in this release.)

  • Added a new element for Hot-Hot location (12.12) - We added the location element to Online response messages, which designates which Hot-Hot location processed the online transaction.

  • Moved location element (12.13) - The optional location element moved to the individual transaction types.

  • Added new element for Mastercard Digital Secure Remote Payments (12.14) - We added the tokenAuthenticationValue element for use with Mastercard Digital Secure Remote Payments.

  • Added new element to healthcareAmounts (12.15) - We added the copayAmount element to the healthcareAmounts to correctly designate copays.

  • Added info to pinlessDebitResponse (12.15) - Added debitResponse and debitMessage to the pinlessDebitResponse element structure to provide better insight into debit declines.

  • Added a new transaction type (12.16) NOT GA - We removed this transaction type (transactionReversal) in V12.19 and replaced it with two new transactions.

  • Added new elements to several transaction types (V12.17) - Added businessIndicator element to several transaction types to allow designation of consumer bill payment.

  • XML version V12.18 was released, but only included one element type definition. This addition had no impact.

  • Changed maxLength of orderId element (12.19) - The orderId element maxLength increased from 25 characters to 256 characters.

  • Added two new transaction types (12.19) - Removed transactionReversal (added in V12.16, but never released) and replaced with depositTransactionReversal and refundTransactionReversal.

  • Added enum to type element (12.20) - Added enum value IC (for Interac) to the type element.

  • Changed maxLength of authenticationValue element (12.21) - The authenticationValue element maxLength increased from 56 characters to 512 characters.

  • Added new elements to support Fast Access Funding (12.22) - added cardholderAddress element to fastAccessFunding and vendorAddress element to vendorCredit.

  • Added retailerAddress element to several transaction types (12.23) - added retailerAddress as required for Discover Installment Payments and American Express Bill Pay.

  • Added additionalCOFData element to several transactions types (12.23) - added additionalCOFData element as required for Visa Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) service.

  • Changed elements required to support Guaranteed Payments (12.23 and 12.24) - designated certain optional elements as required for the Guaranteed Payments Service.

  • Added new elements to lodgingInfo (12.25) - new elements added in support of cruise lines.

  • Added passengerTransportData element and tripLegData elements (12.26) - new elements and child elements added in support of railway travel.

  • Added additionalCOFData element to authReversal and credit (12.26) - for successful payments using Visa’s Buy Now, Pay Later program.

  • Added authMax and child elements to response (12.27) - added to auth and sale responses when using the AuthMax service with Network tokens.

  • Changed various lengths and types to child elements of passengerTransportData and tripLegData (12.27).

  • Added sellerInfo and child elements to Auth and Sale (12.29) - optional elements for Guaranteed Payments service when passing details about third-part sellers.

  • Added authIndicator to support Incremental Auths (12.30) - used by certain Travel and Entertainment (T&E) merchants when final purchase amounts are unknown.

  • Added foreignRetailIndicator to capture parent elements (12.31) - must be present when the marketplace and retailer are not in the same region (country).

  • Changed the format of customerIpAddress to a string (12.32) - changed to support IPv6 formats for Guaranteed Payments and FraudSight.

  • Added shipmentId and subscription to lineItemData (12.33) - optional elements support recurring and subscription merchants for the Guaranteed Payments Service.

  • Added echeckCutomerId as new child element of echeck (12.34)

  • Added accountFundingTransactionData and child elements (12.35) - added to support account Funding Transactions (not generally available). Added new enum values for orderChannel and fulfilmentMethodType.

  • Added elements and child elements in support of integration with Finicity (12.36) - (not generally available)

  • Added FraudCheckAction (12.36) - optional element to support Guaranteed Payments service.

  • Added elements and child elements to support Visa Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) service (12.37) - (not generally available)